Title: SWIRA Linked SKYWARN Repeaters ; ; http://swira.link/placefile.txt ; Oklahoma repeaters placefile for GRLevel3 ; Created by WD5M for SWIRA ; Last updated 10/6/2020 ; Send corrections to wd5m@arrl.net ; Include: frequency MHz, PL/DPL code, county, coordinates or grid square locator for repeater, ; nearest city, repeater callsign, trustee callsign, sponsor ARC. links if any. ; Refresh: 60 Threshold: 999 Font: 1,14,1,Helvetica IconFile: 1,16,16,8,8,"antennaicons16x16x5.png" ; ; OKC/Norman NWS linked repeater ; Icon: 35.387,-97.499,0,1,1,"Oklahoma County\nOklahoma Department Emergency Management\nNWS Access\n145.410 MHz 141.3\n444.250 MHz (141.3)\nSKYWARN systems may be linked as needed. Linked networks are not cross linked." ; ; SWIRA Linked repeaters ; Icon: 34.898,-98.202,0,1,1,"SWIRA\nCyril\n147.045 MHz 123.0\nSWIRA.link" Icon: 34.976,-99.411,0,1,1,"SWIRA\nGranite\n146.715 MHz CSQ\nSWIRA.link" Icon: 34.537,-97.968,0,1,1,"SWIRA\nDuncan\n147.300 MHz 141.3\nSWIRA.link" Icon: 34.447,-97.202,0,1,1,"SWIRA\nDavis\n147.075 MHz 123.0\nSWIRA.link" Icon: 34.169,-97.984,0,1,1,"SWIRA\nWaurika\n146.745 MHz 123.0\nSWIRA.link" Icon: 34.216,-98.722,0,1,1,"SWIRA\nGrandfield\n147.255 MHz 192.8\nSWIRA.link" Color: 255 0 0 Line: 2,,"" 35.387,-97.499 34.898,-98.202 End: Color: 255 255 255 Line: 2,,"" 34.976,-99.411 34.898,-98.202 End: Line: 2,,"" 34.537,-97.968 34.898,-98.202 End: Line: 2,,"" 34.447,-97.202 34.898,-98.202 End: Line: 2,,"" 34.169,-97.984 34.898,-98.202 End: Line: 2,,"" 34.216,-98.722 34.898,-98.202 End: